NEW Business Trouble-Shooting



Times are really tough now for many small and medium-sized businesses, with online retailers providing fierce competition at the same time that banks and finance lenders are increasingly reluctant to support businesses in need of help. For many specialist local businesses like yours, whilst you have incredible skills and experience in what you do on a day to day basis, the sad fact is that if you are not an expert in marketing and business strategy then some of the best businesses will ultimately fail. At the age of 28 (over 20 yrs ago!) I started my first business in London and within a year sold it to a larger competitor for over £100,000.  Since then I have created and managed two more successful businesses which made profits every month since inception and never needed to borrow money to survive. My knowledge of marketing, lead-generation, financial management and the basics of the tax system have given me enormous experience which I would like to share and help other budding entrepreneurs achieve the successes I did. My offer to you is very simply that I would love the chance to help your business thrive. I am so confident that I can add value that I will also give my time and advice on a ‘no results, no fee’ basis – meaning that if my insight and help do not result in an increase in revenue or profits, then you pay nothing, other than the initial consultation fee of just £199.00. For this one-off cost I will sit down with you and any other business owners or investors for a one-hour consultation, from which I will produce a written report and recommendations to show you where your business is missing opportunities; paying over the odds or losing out on profitable revenue.  This report is completely confidential and will be yours to keep. Following the report, if you choose to take the business advice and retain my support as your business strategist for a minimum six-month period, you will pay just £250/month, all of which will be refunded in the event that you do not make at least this much additional profit over the period that we work together.  In essence, you have nothing to lose and lots to gain! I hope you will give some time to look at these and I will be in touch with you shortly to see if we can arrange an initial meeting.  Obviously feel free to contact me direct if you would like to know more or indeed get the ball rolling a little earlier.